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INNOVATIVE HIGH-TECH SYSTEM designed to identify the depth of sedation at the stage of patient surgery preparation. The system is widely used in dental surgery.

BrainBit U-DENT – joint innovative engineering solution designed by cranio-facial surgeon, physio-rehabilitation specialist, Doctor Dmitry Yudin.


BrainBit U-DENT is a 4-channel wireless neurointerface and a specialized software.

The BrainBit Neuroheadset is made in the form of an ergonomic assembly with built-in "dry" electrodes and a removable battery. The technology of "dry" electrodes does not imply the use of gel, which means that the use of this system in practice is as comfortable and convenient as possible for the doctor and patient.

BrainBit headset is flexible enough to accommodate the individual head size of any patient.

Ensuring Hygiene

BrainBit U-DENT system is easy to clean:

1. It is recommended to periodically wash the fabric belt (headset) in warm water with detergent.

2. It is recommended to wipe the BrainBit fabric belt (with electrode system) with a soft cloth dampened with an alcohol solution.

3. The electrodes should be cleaned with a brush (included in the package) dampened in an alcohol solution.

Method Physiology

Biorhythms of the brain are special electrical vibrations that emerge due to the activity of all nerve cells in the human brain. Their combination as a whole represents a person’s emotional activity – mental work load, emotional tension or a relaxed state.

Person’s psychoemotional state (stress, anxiety or relaxation and rest) is accompanied by a certain ratio of parameter values or the predominance of alpha- or beta- rhythms.

Sedatives are one of the factors affecting the psychoemotional state of a person. They are used by surgeons before performing (in this case) dental operations.

Thus, using the method of registration and analysis of the parameters of the patient's brain biorhythms in practice, it’s possible to avoid the risk of drug overdose, as well as control patient's condition during the operation.

Principle of the Device Operation

The device operation is based on the registration of physiological EEG parameters characterizing a particular condition of the patient. These values are displayed on the doctor’s screen as a signal in order to analyze the degree of exposure to sedatives:

1. The BrainBit headset is conveniently fit into the correct position on the patient's head.

2. Running the pre-installed program on the PC, allows for registration of the patient's brain activity – the biorhythms of the brain (alpha-, beta-, theta- rhythms) to begin.

3. Biorhythm parameter values change under the influence of sedatives, signaling the predominance of a particular condition of the patient.

Thus, the EEG Recording Method with the use of BrainBit U-DENT system allows:

to determine the depth of sedation based on analyzing changes in the biorhythms of the brain;

• to assess the psychoemotional state of the patient before operation;

• to monitor the efficacy of the effects of sedatives;

• to determine patient's readiness for surgery.

Device Uniqueness

• The BrainBit device uses electrodes in the form of spring-loaded gold-plated contacts that allow EEG recording through hair of any thickness without the use of gel.

• Layout of placement of the electrodes (according to the international system 10-20) allows to register a true electroencephalogram (minimizing the artifacts of the forehead biopotentials).

• The BrainBit U-DENT system is wireless and operates via a Bluetooth LE communication interface.

• The time of continuous operation is at least 15 hours, so a full battery charge lasts for two full working days.

• The efficacy of this method with the use of BrainBit U-DENT is clinically proven!

Areas in Dentistry:

• Maxillofacial Surgery

• Surgical Dentistry

• Gnathology

• Orthopedics

• Orthodontics

• Physiotherapy

Software Features

1. Maintaining patient database.

2. EEG signal display on two bipolar channels (T3-O1, T4-O2) in real time.

3. Demonstration of wave activity changes over time based on algorithm analysis of assessing states based on alpha-, beta- and theta- rhythms.

4. Display of signal spectrum of alpha-, beta- and theta- rhythms.

5. Providing the possibility of effective analysis of temporal changes in the brain activity, taking into account two states: concentration and relaxation.

6. Evaluation of the quality of electrode application of the device according to the resistance parameters.

7. Report generation based on the performed assessment.


Number of EEG channels 4

Sampling rate 250 Hz

Communication interface Bluetooth LE

Recorded signals EEG

Time of continuous operation Minimum of 15 hours

Measured voltage range ± 0.4 V

Battery charging current 100 mA ± 10%

Battery charging time up to 4 hours

EQUIPMENT (included in the package)

1. BrainBit Neuralinterface (1 unit)

2. Flash drive with software (1 unit)

3. Charger (1 unit)

4. USB cable (1 unit)

5. Bluetooth USB-adapter (1 unit)

6. Brush for cleaning electrodes (1 unit)

7. Operation manual (1 set)

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